Contact Z-Fed Today To Learn
How We Can Lower Your Industrial Energy Cost.
This Changes Everything.
Our smart ReD microgrid controller buys and sells energy wholesale every five minutes. By stabilizing the price of gas, you stabilize the price of electricity.
Why buy energy retail the old-fashioned way, when you can buy risk-managed wholesale? Now you can have it all – predictable and low costs.
Food Processors are interested in both risk and cost reductions. The difference between winning a supply contract or not often hinges on price differences in terms of mils – one thousandth of a dollar per pound, kilogram, or gallon. Here’s where ZF Energy makes a difference. We can give you the certainty of meeting fixed budgetary costs, and at the same time lower those costs budgets enough to give your production facility a competitive advantage.
This changes everything.
If your facility has an energy load in excess of 5MW, we can add significant value to your existing sustainability or continuous improvement program. We hope to be your partner in continuous energy productivity improvement and cost reductions. Get started now by letting us take a look at your energy consumption profile – drop us a line at, or call us at 610-482-4337, x812.
Energy in Food Processing
Z-FED has unique and proven ability to lower energy cost, increase reliability, and reduce emissions for food processing facilities of all kinds. Our ‘microgrid brain’ is a patented economic engined called ReD. But that’s just a detail.
Our systems decrease the cost per unit shipped significantly by anywhere between 10% to 20%. We’re different than other energy firms: we focus on increasing your energy productivity with a completely different energy supply that is more efficient and costs less.
Sure, energy markets have been flat. But that doesn’t get you these gains. To illustrate, consider the total mmBTU per unit shipped:
An efficient energy supply chain doesn’t mean much when it is disconnected. While we’re decreasing costs, we’re also improving reliability and robustness. If desired, ZF Energy can deliver energy to the highest possible quality standards.
Many industrial food processors desire to engage in a continuous improvement trajectory for energy emissions. ZF Energy’s approach ensures that the technical infrastructure is in place to not only reduce harmful emissions right away, but to put our customers on track towards ultimately driving them towards zero.
If your facility has an energy load in excess of 5MW, we hope to be your partner in continuous energy productivity improvement and cost reductions.
Get In Touch With Us
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